CHARACTER CREATION RULES FOR TIME LORD By Allen Shock Here is another system for creating player characters for the TIME LORD roleplaying game. This one uses points to purchase the various Common and Special Abilities of the player characters. The number of points received varies by the type of character being played. Human Companions get 160 points. If the GM wishes to allow player character Time Lords other than The Doctor, they get 225 points. The Abilities are purchased according to the chart below, with Common Abilities being purchased first, then Special Abilities. ABILITY LEVEL POINT COST NOTES 1 1 2 4 3 9 Maximum level for Special Abilities 4 16 5 25 6 36 Maximum level for human Common Abilities* 7 49 Maximum level for Gallifreyan Knowledge 8 64 9 81 10 100 * see chart below for maximum values by Ability. The Cheat Death special ability can only be purchased by player characters if they have Strengths of 4 or less, and the Total Ability (Strength + Cheat Death) cannot exceed 5. There are certain Special Abilities (Regenerative Powers, for example) that the GM may not wish humans to have. The GM has the final say on which Abilities can be purchased. This chart is adapted from Ian Marsh's character creation rules, and shows the minimum and maximum values for Humans and Gallifreyans. ABILITY MINIMUM HUMAN MAX GALLIFREYAN MAX Strength 2 5 5 Control 1 6 6 Size 2 5 5 Weight 3 4 4 Move 1 4 4 Knowledge 2 6 7 Determination 1 6 6 Awareness 1 6 6 Other racesm if allowed, might have very different point totals, mins/maxs, etc. This is left to the GM to decide. Equipment should simply be assigned by the GM, and anything else the characters want should be accquired during play. For experience, I would reccommend using the system outlined in Ian Marsh's character creation rules. It's fast, simple, and fits well with the TIME LORD rules. POSSIBLE ADDITIONS Possibly one could add a system of Advantages and Disadvantages, removing things like Gloating and Striking Appearance from the Special Abilities list and moving them here. Discussion on this is appreciated.