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New Lhasa

USS Darwin

Darwin TNG

Season Three

303 Pulses

"We are the paramilitary wing of your local history society."

Merif reports a merchant ship - the Tioboid - trying to break the cordon designed to prevent Loras Veltr'a being smuggled off the planet. His shuttle docks with the Stephenson, which Petersen commands. The ship detects Andorian life signs on the Tioboid, and Petersen commands it to intersect.

Coincidentally, the recovering Mariella Torrelan, and the pregnant Lyranna, have consecutive appointments in sick bay with Marenna. The Captain is also on the ship.

When the Stephenson intercepts and tractors the Tioboid, pulsed plasma charges explode around the ship. The narrative cuts back to ... ten days earlier.

Veltr'a is a bounded captive of an Andorian quartet in an underground stone dungeon. As one or two of them grow to believe Veltr'a's claim to know nothing about his parents and Andorian history, they explain that they share with his biological parents clan "Keth Aniri" and a dedication to uncover the secrets of Andorian history, in particular the taboo causes of the Andorian world war known as the Time of Lament. They explain that his four parents divided on the question of what to do with their research, and his mother was killed by the other couple, who allied themselves with a faction that made an attempt on his life when he climbed the spire. His father escaped, and went into hiding.

One of the four, Son'eff, is a short, intense Andorian who hypnotises Veltr'a to search his memories, and later to interrogate him on the security procedures on the Stephenson. Veltr'a declares that his captors have made themselves his enemies, but the other captors claim to be surprised by Son'eff's actions. Son'eff storms out.

Cut back to Son'eff, with an accomplice, in the Stephenson. The Stephenson is seriously damanged, with all systems that rely on shipwide connections and fields initially down. Although the tractor beam is, surprisingly, still in place, the ship cannot move. In sick bay, Ferra and Marenna are unconscious, and Lyranna is seriously injured. A plasma fire is still burning, and little of the fixed equipment works. Reinhart brings M'Benga, near death, to the bay and assists in the transfer to the shuttle bay. Lyranna suffers a miscarriage, despite Reinhardt returning to sick bay to retrieve the tools for her to try to stop it.

When the Tioboid threatens to go to warp, Petersen and Kayon board it and subdue the crew. Petersen discovers a chronometer and viewer that had been altered to emit Andorian life signs. He also discovered that they were smuggling a controlled substance, tetrapsilobium. Despite attempts to transfer him to a facility on New Lhasa, M'Benga dies, as does Cllr Tang, who was injured elsewhere.

The two terrorists steal Merif's shuttle and succeed in mind-controlling security personnel to let them out of the shuttle bay. Loras Velt'ra remains imprisoned.

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© Ian McDonald 2004